One of the key drivers at Larbert High School is to ensure that our young people are able to move into a positive destination when they are ready to leave school. In order to do that, we need to provide them with a first class curriculum, learning and teaching of the highest quality and opportunities to develop their skills in and out of classrooms. Coupled with excellent partnerships and support along the way, Developing Larbert's Young Workforce is of great importance to us.
We have a strong track record of achieving this aim with positive destinations that show an overall upwards trend and that are always above comparator and national levels. This should provide you (whether you are a parent, carer or pupil!) with confidence in our offer and our approach.
In a school the size of Larbert, there are many different options and pathways that are available. Our approach offers unparalleled flexibility and help will be there at every stage to help guide and advise. Think of the Broad General Education (BGE in S1-3) as a 3-year experience rather than a single year-on-year approach - it's not possible to take everything all at once! Similarly, in the Senior Phase the 'currency' (skills as well as qualifications) a young person leaves with is the most important thing and, a bit like the London Underground, different people will take different routes to their chosen destination!
This website highlights the pathways taken by some of our current and former pupils and provides information about all of the subjects and experiences - academic, vocational and wider achievements - that are available. We believe that it's a strong offer but if you don't see something that you are looking for, then please just ask - that's what we're here for!
Jo Wilson
Acting Rector